Sunday, May 10, 2015

Highlights From 6 UFO Reports In Maryland Since January 2015

It has been about a year since I last updated this blog or really even visited the pages myself. That said, when I returned today I found the same thing I find all over my `State UFO' blogs.. and that is THAT MUFON REMOVES all the good pictures of ORBS (UFOs)... I vowed that in 2015 and beyond that any photos that I run in my blogs will have been downloaded to my computer first so that they can be re-used and re-found.

So, I searched MUFON and these are the highlights of @30 Maryland UFO reports, the most interesting ones, that came up since Jan. 2015.... all kinds of reports, enjoy... and why not share this with another Marylander?
Marylander's.. in comparison to some states... were ready with cameras when the anomalous happened.

It happened at 10pm-10:35pm in Olney
here's the `best photo' of those submitted IMO
Normally in these types of cases one would assume Chinese Lanterns... but this doesn't read that way - and the pictures are less consistent with lanterns than normally.
Below is an April 13th `orb' descent' caught on camera... not the first time this has been seen in Silver Spring... articulate report too
It's rare to make this orb movement capture IF it is an orb and not an RC, as is also possible and mentioned in the report too.
Like here in Parkville.... Helicopters are becoming more and more a part of the whole close up UFO experience. Much more about this at my main UFO blog UDCC - UFO Disclosure Countdown Clock - see sidebar for links to stories there.
One of many pictures submitted below of the Chester event
 UFO Orbs over Farm in Chester, MD
Certainly sounds and reads like a sincere report.
this just could be the STRANGEST of all yet mentioned - or the most mundane... a piece of trash in the air - perhaps?
articulate report... witnessed MULTIPLE days. IF you didn't believe me... here's another Helicopter Orb/UFO report.
I'm a UFO blogger with over 1400 posts... some of the best I've put into my Amazon books... e-books

hot ufo book?

Saturday, March 22, 2014

MUFON Report of `Hourglass Orb' In Silver Spring - March 20th (Pictures)

Since I've been reading and reporting on MUFON orb reports since 2007 I've noticed many attributes about the perception of Orbs.... one recurring thing about this report and pictures is the near constant fact that the `Orb picture' doesn't match up exactly with what was experienced and perceived at the time..... it's also of strong interest that this report involves the `oldtime' UFO characteristic of interference with a cars electronics or in this case, radio.
(experienced and reported 3/20/14)

Traveling from Dc into Md on Georgia Ave & car radio started Malfunctioning, lots of static. I turned it down and kept driving and noticed a very bright light to my left at first it looked like a star but when I got to a red light there was no cloud cover, no trees and I could see a Bright white, pulsating object. Looked like an hourglass standing upright with rounded ends. I rolled my window down and took 2 pictures with my cell phone (IPhone 5S) I zoomed in as much as I could. The light turned green so I kept driving. It was in my sight until I got home I was never able to turn the radio back on for about a 15 minute drive. It was still static. The object was still in the sky when I got home. I even had my teenager come outside to see it but we got scared so we went in the house. When I looked at the pictures it looks like it's 2 objects and they split. With my eyes I did not see this. The window was open and the car was stopped when the pictures were taken. No clouds. In the picture there is a lamp post to the right and the 2objects to the left. In one picture they are one above and below each other. In the next picture one object has moved to the left. I did not see them separate. They still looked like one object standing upright in the shape of an hourglass.
All three pictures look similar in my opinion - see them all via the links - here's the first picture:
MORE Submitted Pictures
Did you know the rarely repeated information that the UK in it's analysis of UFOs suggested that Orbs, multiple orbs together, can project an image?
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